Qualified Teachers
Sam and Temier have qualified a number of teachers located in different parts of the world.
Check out their web sites to see if their is a teacher close to you or in a time zone that works for you.
In addition all of their classes will be given over the web using Zoom.
From Temier and Sam's perspective, there is a whole lot of information about the Teachings below…

Rue Eisen
Located in the East Coast of the U.S. in New Jersey.
Her web site is:
Onward Mind Meditations

Jan Clayton
Located in the West Coast of the U.S. in California.
Her web site is:
Illuminating Your Path

Yvonne Harbers
She is in the Netherlands and her classes are in Dutch.
Information here.
Temier and Sam's Teachings
The Teachings involve the presentation and use of energies that exist throughout the Universe. These energies provide the basis for transformation, including transformations that lead to healing, manifestation, and communication. The Teachings, in a new form, are presented anew every 2600 years at the beginning of each new age. Indeed, they are intended to be the basis of spirituality for that new age.
Ancient wisdom is brought forward in a way that is best for the energies of the new age. The energies are gentle but carry a great strength. They are without ego personality that says that they must be used in a certain way or for a specific purpose. However, The Teachings are accomplished in a way such that the energies will not be misused.
The source of The Teachings
The original information was, and still is being delivered by Temier through the merger with Sam Holland. Temier is an angelic force from the order of seraphim. Temier, as a seraphim, has the ability to touch all levels of consciousness, from the highest spirit force to the most dense earthly energies. Sam and Temier have been working together since introduction in 1983. This is an extremely long time for this sort of communication to last, and is indicative of the great respect they have for each other. For more about Sam and temier see: http://www.temier.com/samandtemier.html
The Teachings involve the presentation and use of energies that exist throughout the Universe. These energies provide the basis for transformation, including transformations that lead to healing, manifestation, and communication. The Teachings, in a new form, are presented anew every 2600 years at the beginning of each new age. Indeed, they are intended to be the basis of spirituality for that new age.
Ancient wisdom is brought forward in a way that is best for the energies of the new age. The energies are gentle but carry a great strength. They are without ego personality that says that they must be used in a certain way or for a specific purpose. However, The Teachings are accomplished in a way such that the energies will not be misused.
The source of The Teachings
The original information was, and still is being delivered by Temier through the merger with Sam Holland. Temier is an angelic force from the order of seraphim. Temier, as a seraphim, has the ability to touch all levels of consciousness, from the highest spirit force to the most dense earthly energies. Sam and Temier have been working together since introduction in 1983. This is an extremely long time for this sort of communication to last, and is indicative of the great respect they have for each other. For more about Sam and temier see: http://www.temier.com/samandtemier.html
Growth through The Teachings
The classes gently lead you through many meditations and exercises that allows you to use them for more and more significant inner-personal growth. As growth is accomplished, your understanding of yourself increases and that, in turn, allows a more powerful expression of your uniqueness to occur. It is your uniqueness that is important.
Your free will choice in expressing your uniqueness, becomes the ultimate expression of your spiritual path. This means that The Teachings need not conflict with, or replace any other teaching. The Teachings expand on current wisdom, and are given in a unique manner. However, we have found that if you approach them with an open mind, any blockages that say ‘you have to do it this way,’ or, ‘this is right and that is wrong,’ will vanish. In this respect, The Teachings are complete within itself. You ultimately choose that which works for you without the perspective that says, ‘because it works for me it is also best for you.’
The Teachings Working for You
For The Teachings to work for you, all you need to do is to respect and use the newly found perspectives. The wise nature of these energies will lead you along your unique spiritual path. Also, most of the meditations introduce new forms, and therefore are an adventure in personal growth.
At this point in time, you, through your free will choice, are instrumental to create your environment. The Teachings provide you with the processes and perspectives to do this in a productive way.
The path is safe and, through your individual work, rewarding. The only thing that can hold you back is a fear of change, or holding on to the past. The Teachings can be very practical if you choose to use them in that way. They are, however, experiential and they are felt at a deep inner personal level. It is your free will choice as to how the teachings are to be used on your spiritual path.
A wonderful benefit of The Teachings is that the process of delivery is through meditations that allow the natural unfoldment of the information to occur, which in turn makes it almost impossible for the information to be misused in any way.
The mystical aspect of the teachings means that many things are presented that seem paradoxical. With use of the energies along with higher levels of understanding, these paradoxes seem to vanish and tend to help you keep an open mind.
The classes gently lead you through many meditations and exercises that allows you to use them for more and more significant inner-personal growth. As growth is accomplished, your understanding of yourself increases and that, in turn, allows a more powerful expression of your uniqueness to occur. It is your uniqueness that is important.
Your free will choice in expressing your uniqueness, becomes the ultimate expression of your spiritual path. This means that The Teachings need not conflict with, or replace any other teaching. The Teachings expand on current wisdom, and are given in a unique manner. However, we have found that if you approach them with an open mind, any blockages that say ‘you have to do it this way,’ or, ‘this is right and that is wrong,’ will vanish. In this respect, The Teachings are complete within itself. You ultimately choose that which works for you without the perspective that says, ‘because it works for me it is also best for you.’
The Teachings Working for You
For The Teachings to work for you, all you need to do is to respect and use the newly found perspectives. The wise nature of these energies will lead you along your unique spiritual path. Also, most of the meditations introduce new forms, and therefore are an adventure in personal growth.
At this point in time, you, through your free will choice, are instrumental to create your environment. The Teachings provide you with the processes and perspectives to do this in a productive way.
The path is safe and, through your individual work, rewarding. The only thing that can hold you back is a fear of change, or holding on to the past. The Teachings can be very practical if you choose to use them in that way. They are, however, experiential and they are felt at a deep inner personal level. It is your free will choice as to how the teachings are to be used on your spiritual path.
A wonderful benefit of The Teachings is that the process of delivery is through meditations that allow the natural unfoldment of the information to occur, which in turn makes it almost impossible for the information to be misused in any way.
The mystical aspect of the teachings means that many things are presented that seem paradoxical. With use of the energies along with higher levels of understanding, these paradoxes seem to vanish and tend to help you keep an open mind.
The Experiential Adventure
The Teachings are experiential in their nature and the way they are taught. The experience is an inner one, that becomes an adventure in growth. Like any adventure, The Teachings provide many pleasant surprises, all of which point you toward spiritual growth. The Teachings lead you through this adventure in a way that allows you to express yourself with confidence and in great service.
Any adventure has places where you leap forward in great anticipation and joy. Adventures also have places that make you apprehensive until you experience them. Courage is needed and fulfillment is the reward.
Some Thoughts About The Teachings as a Path
The Teachings value an individual’s path and free will choice above all else.
The Teachings are an individual path and not a group pursuit. It is delivered in groups for convenience and diversity, which will broaden the experience for all individuals.
The Teachings deliver meditations and processes that bring consciousness through awareness. Through free will choice the awareness brings wisdom, not the other way around.
As awareness increases, blockages surface that hold back an individual’s greater awareness. These blockages are personal issues. Through free will choice and respect, individuals can use The Teachings to handle the personal issues, such that awareness grows and wisdom emerges.
Within The Teachings topics are grouped together in order to allow an understanding of all aspects of a topic to be brought forward.
The teachers job is to assure respect for the energies, and to deliver the information in a timely manner
The Teachings are experiential in their nature and the way they are taught. The experience is an inner one, that becomes an adventure in growth. Like any adventure, The Teachings provide many pleasant surprises, all of which point you toward spiritual growth. The Teachings lead you through this adventure in a way that allows you to express yourself with confidence and in great service.
Any adventure has places where you leap forward in great anticipation and joy. Adventures also have places that make you apprehensive until you experience them. Courage is needed and fulfillment is the reward.
Some Thoughts About The Teachings as a Path
The Teachings value an individual’s path and free will choice above all else.
The Teachings are an individual path and not a group pursuit. It is delivered in groups for convenience and diversity, which will broaden the experience for all individuals.
The Teachings deliver meditations and processes that bring consciousness through awareness. Through free will choice the awareness brings wisdom, not the other way around.
As awareness increases, blockages surface that hold back an individual’s greater awareness. These blockages are personal issues. Through free will choice and respect, individuals can use The Teachings to handle the personal issues, such that awareness grows and wisdom emerges.
Within The Teachings topics are grouped together in order to allow an understanding of all aspects of a topic to be brought forward.
The teachers job is to assure respect for the energies, and to deliver the information in a timely manner