Temier’s Master Class on Communication With The Source
a 7 book set.
About The Communication With The Source Class |
This series of 7 classes present an evolved perception of communicating with the Source ( The Creative Force ) as an active energy and Nature as a nurturing energy. New techniques are brought forward in an exceptionally productive and helpful way, independently of what your religious beliefs are. |
These techniques are taught using powerful meditative practices that touch everyone in a worthwhile and uniquely enlightening manner. |
The 7 books are about:
There are only two things for Humanity to accomplish at this point in time that will progress into the future. They are to know your identity and to get along with everyone else.
This can be accomplished by taking absolute responsibility for ourselves by using our free will choice in wise and balanced way. Wow, a tall order given the world's current political and cultural situations. It seems as if we are a long ways from completing these goals, however the Creative Force ( our Source Energy ) indirectly helps with advice and noticeable "prods". This Master Class addresses this topic from the perspective of how the Creative Force, Nature and Humanity interact in a way that keeps Humanity's goal protected and intact. |
$35. for the entire set of 7 booklets or $15.00 for the ePub version.
The price includes shipping anywhere in the world.
The 7 book set includes a box.
If you select the ePub book, and after PayPal verifies you payment, be sure to click on the button that takes you back to the merchant to get the ePub download.
The books are available either as a 7 book set or as an ePub. Just click on the proper button. If you select the ePub book, and after paying is complete, be sure to click on the PayPal button that takes you back to the merchant to get the ePub download