Getting Along With Everybody Else
An extraction from Temier's Mystical Meeting 49. Transcribed by Anne Claire and edited by Temier and Sam for greater distribution.
This is Temier, and we would like to address the topic of understanding and getting along with everybody. It turns out it is on the fringe of mystical teachings, but it is so important in this day and age that we want to use some of your mystical talents in order to help that situation.
The reason is that every time you get along with someone else, it is going to multiply itself at least with the other person. And then it spreads out to friends and acquaintances, and so on. And so it is not only a factor that has been ushered in this age, but it is important from a personal perspective as it affects your sense of wellbeing.
The vast majority of physical anomalies, COVID being one of them, has to do with emotional states of being, like anger issues, division issues, and those kind of things. That is not necessarily obvious. But if you look at the way the Universe works, it does not take a whole lot of argument to discover that when there is a need for Humanity's growth, the Universe is going to respond. The Unavoidable Influences ( the Universal Laws ) pretty much guarantee that. In this case there is a worldwide need. And so there are lots of individual Unavoidable Influences that come into play.
One of the things that are needed at this time, is for people to globally work together and to get along with everybody else. Which implies that you individually get along with everybody else. In addition, this is an age of spirit and flow, and so handling divisions is extremely important.
And so if you integrate the arena of spirit and flow, with the fact that there are divisions, and the need to get along with everybody else, well, then people can do better. And so, through the Unavoidable Influence of Cause and Effect, the Universe is going to respond. In this case the Universe responded by something that is worldwide, which in this case is a pandemic.
Of course there have been other pandemics before, and they have come and gone for similar reasons. The black death that occurred and wiped out millions of people, was there because of a need for greater cleanliness, and a greater ability to work in a clean environment. If you look at that a little closer, what does a clean environment mean? It means clean thoughts, as well as a clean house and streets. And so, during that period of time, there was this huge adjustment, where people quite indirectly had to modify their thought patterns, certainly modify their cleanliness habits, not only on individual levels, but on city, country and worldwide levels.
The same thing is happening now, just as it has throughout time. When something like a pandemic occurs, or a world war — when things of that nature
occur, as a Mystic, you can begin to look at that from a universal point of view. Why does humanity need this? Where is humanity in their evolutionary process with respect to the Universe in its evolutionary process. And it becomes clear that something is out of sync.
As a last resort, the Universe begins to pick away at physical things. So, with the COVID pandemic, it means that the Universe is quite serious about humanity not only needing to understand themselves, but globally getting along with everybody else.
It is starting to work. Now you can begin to see countries interacting with each other a bit more. You may begin to learn more about a culture that is quite a bit different than yours. Which is good because it helps bring people together.
All the Universe wants is to see cultures interacting with each other. It is more helpful if they are interacting in a balanced, healthy way, but interaction with each other is important. And of course the COVID pandemic has definitely caused different cultures to interact with each other.
Cultures and countries that are not taking the pandemic very seriously appear on the newscast, and you see it and you react to that. Countries that are doing quite well are also seen, and you react to that. And those interactions, those type of broadcasts on social media, are spiking at this period of time.
So you ask, why are they spiking? Well, they are spiking because there is a need for interaction.
So as a Mystic it is necessary to step back from that and say, as difficult as it is, this is not a bad thing. It is a sign from the Universe that is saying, get on with it. Work it out. Do something that is going to be helpful.
It is easy to have a serious disagreement with somebody, usually it is about politics in today's world. But conspiracy theories are alive and well. So, it is pretty hard to stay balanced. However, if it is so crazy, what are we going to do about it?
How many of you have had serious interactions with somebody that is into a conspiracy theory that is just so wild you can not relate to it? Well, then you have discovered that it is virtually impossible to change the other person's mind. But as a Mystic there is something that you can do to help bring it into balance.
Whether it is brought into balance from a point of view of your and their interaction is important. But what is more important, is to handle that friction within yourself. That friction that is pounding away between two people that disagree, through angers, doubts and stubbornness. If that can begin to fall away, then it is surprising how fast that catches on and spreads out.
The Universe does care, of course, but the Universe handles the bad aspects the same as it handles the good aspects. Humanity can stray. And so part of the path of humanity is to find ways to weave themselves back. And the evil parts, and we are using that word on purpose, the evil aspects and the good aspects are both parts that when they come together
form a pattern that describes a path. Now that path has some unusual properties associated with it.
Property number one is, you do not really know if you are on that path or not. It is not something that can be defined in a way that you can write a story about. It is just what happens as you move through life. Property number two, is, if you let yourself move through that path, even though you do not know what it is, it comes into balance. You can not know what is good unless you have experienced what is bad. There is some truth to that.
So from a mystical point of view, this business of getting along with everyone else, means you need to be able to enter into a state of being and adapt an interactive style that really does not care about whether the guy, or the gal, is good or bad, or indifferent. It is simply the way a person is. And then move on with respect from there.
And when you get the hang of that, which is not necessarily an easy task, but when you can do that, it is going to be amazing what happens in your life. Two things.
Thing number one is that you are happier, because there is no longer this contention between you and another group of people, another person, or whatever it is. And when there is no contention, then the physical body relaxes, the mental state is able to elevate, and the electrical system works better. Everything begins to come into balance.
Thing number two is, you no longer have a need for that "style of person", and because you solved the problem, they just do not appear in your life.
So you solve the problem from two points of view, you have grown, and you have created a universal energy within yourself that no longer needs that point of contention, because you have grown beyond it. And so it does not appear in your life.
Now the counter argument to that is, well, these things still exist, but you have extradited yourself from it. Then, are you really one of the people that can help bring it into balance? Well, yes and no. If it does not exist for you, there is less of it in the world. And for every person, one person at a time, that is able to bring these things into some sort of a balance within themselves, there is less and less need for it. And so less and less people come into an incarnation, or enter some sort of an intellectual state of being that is difficult.
So if you can generate within yourself an attitude, and interaction, a state being, that helps bring into balance your attitude about those "bad people" out there, you have done a wonderful thing. You have helped far more than just yourself.
Now, we want to also say that because you may develop an interactive style, or a state of being that does not get upset about these things, does not mean that you like it. You still have the divine right of not liking it. You still have the divine right of saying no, that
is not part of me. It is something that I look at as derogatory. It is something that I look at as chauvinistic. It is something that I look at as an attitude that has no merit. However, if you have respect for the person, even though you don't like their actions, then balance is possible.
You can still have that attitude, and it still works perfectly well. And if anything, that type of an attitude that says I do not like it, but I can accept it, that helps to create this symbiont, this relationship between attitudes that helps bring the earth and the people of earth, into a greater balance with the Universe.
And do you know what the result is? Pandemics go away. Maybe forever. It is a big deal. We do not mean to preach about this, but it is something to be taken seriously, with a lot of respect. Because through your diligence and your respect, you are the people that are going to be bringing this about. You are important. So let us find another way where we can work with this.
Where a connection is forged between light, love, and peace, and grace, knowledge, and wisdom in a way that it creates an interpersonal state of being, some fairly esoteric transformations become possible.

Affirmation, we call it the right of passage:
I am light. I am love, I am peace. I call upon my knowledge. I call upon my wisdom and I walk with grace.
That affirmation can go a long ways to bringing you into a state of being, a balance, that at the very least allows you to work with someone compassionately.
You have the knowledge that you need in order to get going. You have the grace to accept that. And that gives rise to wisdom. Through love and light, peace is found. And so these six factors bring about an extreme state of being, a state of balance, that allows you to move in thought, act, or deed, towards any means that you want.
Now, that is a big statement. When you get into this state of being, you can do whatever it is you want, and it is going to work.
So what happens if you are a bad person and you want to do something bad? Well, when you are in that "right of passage" state of being, there is no such thing as bad, it is impossible. How can you do something mean to a person, knowing everything there is to know about it, with the wisdom to act in grace, with love and light, that bring peace. It is just not going to happen.
So through this ritual of passage, you can place yourself in a state of being that allows you to understand anything and everything. Including those things that are incomprehensible.
Interacting from a place that is angry, or has distrust, simply does not work. However, interaction from a point of compassion, does work. And so that fact on its own is enough to say, that whenever you have a chance to interact with a person, that you have extreme dislike for, or extreme differences of opinion with, and you want to do something to help bring it into balance, if for nothing else than to make it a little bit easier for you to get on through the next hour or two of your life. You recognize that interaction from anger, doubt, or mistrust, is not going to work. But compassion will.
First Exercise:
So what we would like you to do now, is think of something that is difficult. It can be a conspiracy theory that is rampart in today's world. There are thousands of them and it is not too hard to find one that you disagree with. It can be an individual, a person, a politician, a leader, even a member of your own family that is not working out very well for you. But find something that you have a disagreement with or a dislike for.
So when you have that, just put it in the back of your mind, so that it can be retrieved when necessary. And you find yourself now standing in the center of a six pointed star. Its points represent peace, grace, love, light, knowledge and wisdom. A star that is derived from the ritual of passage. You are standing right in the center of it. And pay attention to these words... I have the knowledge that is necessary in order for me to overcome any obstacle in my life. I know that as a fact. Because the Universe absolutely never gives me anything that I can not handle. And I know also that through my spiritual work, through my meditations, through my contemplations, and by being myself, I have the wisdom to act upon that knowledge in a way that is profitable for me, my environment, and the world around me.
And I know with all assurance, that calling upon my knowledge, using it in a wise way, puts me into a state of grace, that gracefully allows me to move through life, not only from a perspective of physical grace, but intellectual, mental grace. And when I am in a state of grace, it is impossible to be angry. It is impossible to distrust that which is trustworthy. Through my
knowledge, and the exercise of that knowledge and wisdom, I achieve grace.
There have been many instances in my life when I have experienced great love, not only love that has been directed towards me, but love that I have directed towards others. It could be to a small child, a little puppy, a person in international news that is saying something that really brought a heartfelt feeling within me. I am love. I remember those instances, I can recall that great love. I am love.
From this point of love then, I shine. I glow, I become light. And the love and the light interact with each other, allowing the love to increase and the light to grow. I am light. I am love. And as this love and light grow within me, I become peaceful.
I find peace, beyond any peace that I have ever experienced before. And I stand in peace, in grace, with love and light, knowledge and wisdom.
Feel that.
And now in this state of being, call upon that thought, that person, that act, that theory, that you have disagreement with. Let it come into this six pointed star.
I am peace and grace, I am love and knowledge. I am light and wisdom. And I experience this, that before I had contention with, that before I disliked, mistrusted, or felt angry about, whatever it was. Through this that I have achieved, I find a new passage for interaction. An interaction that is compassionate.
So be it.
There is a large group of people that think helping will involve some sort of sacrifice on their part. Yet if there is even the tiniest touch of sacrifice on their part, they are not helping as much as they can. So think about that for a while.
And if you are the type of person that believes that you are here to help, working with this ritual of passage and the person that you are helping, you will find a compassionate way to do so. It will just fall out as part of the process. It will be helpful to them and also be helpful to you.
If it is helpful to them and not helpful to you, in other words, if there is even the tiniest bit of sacrifice involved, then it is not working as powerfully as it should. And if it is not working as powerfully as it should, and that person that needs help is going to continue to need help. And you are going to continue to sacrifice to find a way to help someone else. That is being pretty pointed about it.
Second Exercise:
Let us give that process a bit of expansion...
You see an instance before you, that you have trouble working with. And the greater the problem, the better it is, as far as this exercise is concerned. Choose something at the top of the list. Whether it is,
having to do with political reactions to COVID, whether it has to do with conspiracy theories, somebody, something you just do not understand, whatever it is. See that in front of you, as clearly, and as concisely as you can.
And now with that person, that thing, that action in front of you, stand in the center of that six pointed star.
My knowledge allows me to use wisdom, that puts me in a state of grace. And the love within me creates a light that brings me into a state of peace. I am grace and I am peace. I am knowledge, and I am love. I am light, and I am wisdom.
And now in this state of being, re-examine whatever it is that is in front of you. Whether it is people, actions, energy, whatever it is. And if you wish — this is a choice — in this state of being it is possible for you to get quite close to whatever it is that you have disagreement with. You could even merge with it, If you wish. It is quite safe.
But you find things change pretty dramatically. And the change is good.
So be it.
Perhaps you are familiar with the statement, when you are up to your waste in alligators, you forget that the real reason why you are there was to drain the swamp. i.e. When you are in the physical situation, sometimes it is more difficult to remember to use this process. The recommendation is to work with it, and you will get the hang of it pretty quickly, maybe only after a try or two. Probably not more than that. And you will find the ability to bring it into a balance is right there when needed.
Now, having said that, we also need to add to it... As long as you have doubts, as long as you think, is this going to work? Is this person going to haul off and whack me? It is not going to work as well. So it requires a very focused state of being.
We are going to work with that with the third exercise.
Third Exercise:
There is a state of peaceful grace, of the light of wisdom, and the love of knowledge. Take a moment to establish that quite firmly within you.
And now perform a physical act that recalls the energy. It is called an anchor. You can put your hands together, you can touch your finger on the thumb, tongue at the roof of the mouth. Any physical action that creates an anchor that brings back the energy, the memory, of the state of being that you are currently in.
And now before you, you see yourself. And you see yourself in its most difficult form. You see yourself as you behaved in quite derogatory ways, quite angry ways. You see yourself before you, in a form that is not your best.
Yes. It takes a bit of courage, but seeing it is safe, as this is an exercise. And all those instances that you have not liked, or do not like about yourself, make sure they are there. And so now there is a duality, there are two parts of yourself.
There is the beautiful, fully balanced, highly aware aspect of yourself. And then there is that part of yourself that is not. You can even use the word evil, if you want. Everybody has both traits that have existed either in the present or the past.
There are the two of you. And now the two of you walk together and you look eye to eye. And then you hug. It works! Hug!
And then each of you dissolves into one. A merger as one.
And now once again, do that anchor, whatever it is, to re-establish graceful peace, the light of wisdom and the love of knowledge. It is a beautiful state of being.
And once again, the two of you separate. And before you stands, what was there before. But what was there before is different now.
Accept that. It is lighter. It is more graceful. It is wiser, more loving. It is light. And allow yourself to be happy about what you have accomplished.
Congratulate yourself on what you have accomplished. Pat yourself on the back, for what you have accomplished.
So you have created a mechanism for helping the world's divisions to come together. And in the process you have understood yourself to a far greater extent, along with an ability to get along with everyone.
An extraction from Temier's Mystical Meeting 49. Transcribed by Anne Claire and edited by Temier and Sam for greater distribution.
This is Temier, and we would like to address the topic of understanding and getting along with everybody. It turns out it is on the fringe of mystical teachings, but it is so important in this day and age that we want to use some of your mystical talents in order to help that situation.
The reason is that every time you get along with someone else, it is going to multiply itself at least with the other person. And then it spreads out to friends and acquaintances, and so on. And so it is not only a factor that has been ushered in this age, but it is important from a personal perspective as it affects your sense of wellbeing.
The vast majority of physical anomalies, COVID being one of them, has to do with emotional states of being, like anger issues, division issues, and those kind of things. That is not necessarily obvious. But if you look at the way the Universe works, it does not take a whole lot of argument to discover that when there is a need for Humanity's growth, the Universe is going to respond. The Unavoidable Influences ( the Universal Laws ) pretty much guarantee that. In this case there is a worldwide need. And so there are lots of individual Unavoidable Influences that come into play.
One of the things that are needed at this time, is for people to globally work together and to get along with everybody else. Which implies that you individually get along with everybody else. In addition, this is an age of spirit and flow, and so handling divisions is extremely important.
And so if you integrate the arena of spirit and flow, with the fact that there are divisions, and the need to get along with everybody else, well, then people can do better. And so, through the Unavoidable Influence of Cause and Effect, the Universe is going to respond. In this case the Universe responded by something that is worldwide, which in this case is a pandemic.
Of course there have been other pandemics before, and they have come and gone for similar reasons. The black death that occurred and wiped out millions of people, was there because of a need for greater cleanliness, and a greater ability to work in a clean environment. If you look at that a little closer, what does a clean environment mean? It means clean thoughts, as well as a clean house and streets. And so, during that period of time, there was this huge adjustment, where people quite indirectly had to modify their thought patterns, certainly modify their cleanliness habits, not only on individual levels, but on city, country and worldwide levels.
The same thing is happening now, just as it has throughout time. When something like a pandemic occurs, or a world war — when things of that nature
occur, as a Mystic, you can begin to look at that from a universal point of view. Why does humanity need this? Where is humanity in their evolutionary process with respect to the Universe in its evolutionary process. And it becomes clear that something is out of sync.
As a last resort, the Universe begins to pick away at physical things. So, with the COVID pandemic, it means that the Universe is quite serious about humanity not only needing to understand themselves, but globally getting along with everybody else.
It is starting to work. Now you can begin to see countries interacting with each other a bit more. You may begin to learn more about a culture that is quite a bit different than yours. Which is good because it helps bring people together.
All the Universe wants is to see cultures interacting with each other. It is more helpful if they are interacting in a balanced, healthy way, but interaction with each other is important. And of course the COVID pandemic has definitely caused different cultures to interact with each other.
Cultures and countries that are not taking the pandemic very seriously appear on the newscast, and you see it and you react to that. Countries that are doing quite well are also seen, and you react to that. And those interactions, those type of broadcasts on social media, are spiking at this period of time.
So you ask, why are they spiking? Well, they are spiking because there is a need for interaction.
So as a Mystic it is necessary to step back from that and say, as difficult as it is, this is not a bad thing. It is a sign from the Universe that is saying, get on with it. Work it out. Do something that is going to be helpful.
It is easy to have a serious disagreement with somebody, usually it is about politics in today's world. But conspiracy theories are alive and well. So, it is pretty hard to stay balanced. However, if it is so crazy, what are we going to do about it?
How many of you have had serious interactions with somebody that is into a conspiracy theory that is just so wild you can not relate to it? Well, then you have discovered that it is virtually impossible to change the other person's mind. But as a Mystic there is something that you can do to help bring it into balance.
Whether it is brought into balance from a point of view of your and their interaction is important. But what is more important, is to handle that friction within yourself. That friction that is pounding away between two people that disagree, through angers, doubts and stubbornness. If that can begin to fall away, then it is surprising how fast that catches on and spreads out.
The Universe does care, of course, but the Universe handles the bad aspects the same as it handles the good aspects. Humanity can stray. And so part of the path of humanity is to find ways to weave themselves back. And the evil parts, and we are using that word on purpose, the evil aspects and the good aspects are both parts that when they come together
form a pattern that describes a path. Now that path has some unusual properties associated with it.
Property number one is, you do not really know if you are on that path or not. It is not something that can be defined in a way that you can write a story about. It is just what happens as you move through life. Property number two, is, if you let yourself move through that path, even though you do not know what it is, it comes into balance. You can not know what is good unless you have experienced what is bad. There is some truth to that.
So from a mystical point of view, this business of getting along with everyone else, means you need to be able to enter into a state of being and adapt an interactive style that really does not care about whether the guy, or the gal, is good or bad, or indifferent. It is simply the way a person is. And then move on with respect from there.
And when you get the hang of that, which is not necessarily an easy task, but when you can do that, it is going to be amazing what happens in your life. Two things.
Thing number one is that you are happier, because there is no longer this contention between you and another group of people, another person, or whatever it is. And when there is no contention, then the physical body relaxes, the mental state is able to elevate, and the electrical system works better. Everything begins to come into balance.
Thing number two is, you no longer have a need for that "style of person", and because you solved the problem, they just do not appear in your life.
So you solve the problem from two points of view, you have grown, and you have created a universal energy within yourself that no longer needs that point of contention, because you have grown beyond it. And so it does not appear in your life.
Now the counter argument to that is, well, these things still exist, but you have extradited yourself from it. Then, are you really one of the people that can help bring it into balance? Well, yes and no. If it does not exist for you, there is less of it in the world. And for every person, one person at a time, that is able to bring these things into some sort of a balance within themselves, there is less and less need for it. And so less and less people come into an incarnation, or enter some sort of an intellectual state of being that is difficult.
So if you can generate within yourself an attitude, and interaction, a state being, that helps bring into balance your attitude about those "bad people" out there, you have done a wonderful thing. You have helped far more than just yourself.
Now, we want to also say that because you may develop an interactive style, or a state of being that does not get upset about these things, does not mean that you like it. You still have the divine right of not liking it. You still have the divine right of saying no, that
is not part of me. It is something that I look at as derogatory. It is something that I look at as chauvinistic. It is something that I look at as an attitude that has no merit. However, if you have respect for the person, even though you don't like their actions, then balance is possible.
You can still have that attitude, and it still works perfectly well. And if anything, that type of an attitude that says I do not like it, but I can accept it, that helps to create this symbiont, this relationship between attitudes that helps bring the earth and the people of earth, into a greater balance with the Universe.
And do you know what the result is? Pandemics go away. Maybe forever. It is a big deal. We do not mean to preach about this, but it is something to be taken seriously, with a lot of respect. Because through your diligence and your respect, you are the people that are going to be bringing this about. You are important. So let us find another way where we can work with this.
Where a connection is forged between light, love, and peace, and grace, knowledge, and wisdom in a way that it creates an interpersonal state of being, some fairly esoteric transformations become possible.

Affirmation, we call it the right of passage:
I am light. I am love, I am peace. I call upon my knowledge. I call upon my wisdom and I walk with grace.
That affirmation can go a long ways to bringing you into a state of being, a balance, that at the very least allows you to work with someone compassionately.
You have the knowledge that you need in order to get going. You have the grace to accept that. And that gives rise to wisdom. Through love and light, peace is found. And so these six factors bring about an extreme state of being, a state of balance, that allows you to move in thought, act, or deed, towards any means that you want.
Now, that is a big statement. When you get into this state of being, you can do whatever it is you want, and it is going to work.
So what happens if you are a bad person and you want to do something bad? Well, when you are in that "right of passage" state of being, there is no such thing as bad, it is impossible. How can you do something mean to a person, knowing everything there is to know about it, with the wisdom to act in grace, with love and light, that bring peace. It is just not going to happen.
So through this ritual of passage, you can place yourself in a state of being that allows you to understand anything and everything. Including those things that are incomprehensible.
Interacting from a place that is angry, or has distrust, simply does not work. However, interaction from a point of compassion, does work. And so that fact on its own is enough to say, that whenever you have a chance to interact with a person, that you have extreme dislike for, or extreme differences of opinion with, and you want to do something to help bring it into balance, if for nothing else than to make it a little bit easier for you to get on through the next hour or two of your life. You recognize that interaction from anger, doubt, or mistrust, is not going to work. But compassion will.
First Exercise:
So what we would like you to do now, is think of something that is difficult. It can be a conspiracy theory that is rampart in today's world. There are thousands of them and it is not too hard to find one that you disagree with. It can be an individual, a person, a politician, a leader, even a member of your own family that is not working out very well for you. But find something that you have a disagreement with or a dislike for.
So when you have that, just put it in the back of your mind, so that it can be retrieved when necessary. And you find yourself now standing in the center of a six pointed star. Its points represent peace, grace, love, light, knowledge and wisdom. A star that is derived from the ritual of passage. You are standing right in the center of it. And pay attention to these words... I have the knowledge that is necessary in order for me to overcome any obstacle in my life. I know that as a fact. Because the Universe absolutely never gives me anything that I can not handle. And I know also that through my spiritual work, through my meditations, through my contemplations, and by being myself, I have the wisdom to act upon that knowledge in a way that is profitable for me, my environment, and the world around me.
And I know with all assurance, that calling upon my knowledge, using it in a wise way, puts me into a state of grace, that gracefully allows me to move through life, not only from a perspective of physical grace, but intellectual, mental grace. And when I am in a state of grace, it is impossible to be angry. It is impossible to distrust that which is trustworthy. Through my
knowledge, and the exercise of that knowledge and wisdom, I achieve grace.
There have been many instances in my life when I have experienced great love, not only love that has been directed towards me, but love that I have directed towards others. It could be to a small child, a little puppy, a person in international news that is saying something that really brought a heartfelt feeling within me. I am love. I remember those instances, I can recall that great love. I am love.
From this point of love then, I shine. I glow, I become light. And the love and the light interact with each other, allowing the love to increase and the light to grow. I am light. I am love. And as this love and light grow within me, I become peaceful.
I find peace, beyond any peace that I have ever experienced before. And I stand in peace, in grace, with love and light, knowledge and wisdom.
Feel that.
And now in this state of being, call upon that thought, that person, that act, that theory, that you have disagreement with. Let it come into this six pointed star.
I am peace and grace, I am love and knowledge. I am light and wisdom. And I experience this, that before I had contention with, that before I disliked, mistrusted, or felt angry about, whatever it was. Through this that I have achieved, I find a new passage for interaction. An interaction that is compassionate.
So be it.
There is a large group of people that think helping will involve some sort of sacrifice on their part. Yet if there is even the tiniest touch of sacrifice on their part, they are not helping as much as they can. So think about that for a while.
And if you are the type of person that believes that you are here to help, working with this ritual of passage and the person that you are helping, you will find a compassionate way to do so. It will just fall out as part of the process. It will be helpful to them and also be helpful to you.
If it is helpful to them and not helpful to you, in other words, if there is even the tiniest bit of sacrifice involved, then it is not working as powerfully as it should. And if it is not working as powerfully as it should, and that person that needs help is going to continue to need help. And you are going to continue to sacrifice to find a way to help someone else. That is being pretty pointed about it.
Second Exercise:
Let us give that process a bit of expansion...
You see an instance before you, that you have trouble working with. And the greater the problem, the better it is, as far as this exercise is concerned. Choose something at the top of the list. Whether it is,
having to do with political reactions to COVID, whether it has to do with conspiracy theories, somebody, something you just do not understand, whatever it is. See that in front of you, as clearly, and as concisely as you can.
And now with that person, that thing, that action in front of you, stand in the center of that six pointed star.
My knowledge allows me to use wisdom, that puts me in a state of grace. And the love within me creates a light that brings me into a state of peace. I am grace and I am peace. I am knowledge, and I am love. I am light, and I am wisdom.
And now in this state of being, re-examine whatever it is that is in front of you. Whether it is people, actions, energy, whatever it is. And if you wish — this is a choice — in this state of being it is possible for you to get quite close to whatever it is that you have disagreement with. You could even merge with it, If you wish. It is quite safe.
But you find things change pretty dramatically. And the change is good.
So be it.
Perhaps you are familiar with the statement, when you are up to your waste in alligators, you forget that the real reason why you are there was to drain the swamp. i.e. When you are in the physical situation, sometimes it is more difficult to remember to use this process. The recommendation is to work with it, and you will get the hang of it pretty quickly, maybe only after a try or two. Probably not more than that. And you will find the ability to bring it into a balance is right there when needed.
Now, having said that, we also need to add to it... As long as you have doubts, as long as you think, is this going to work? Is this person going to haul off and whack me? It is not going to work as well. So it requires a very focused state of being.
We are going to work with that with the third exercise.
Third Exercise:
There is a state of peaceful grace, of the light of wisdom, and the love of knowledge. Take a moment to establish that quite firmly within you.
And now perform a physical act that recalls the energy. It is called an anchor. You can put your hands together, you can touch your finger on the thumb, tongue at the roof of the mouth. Any physical action that creates an anchor that brings back the energy, the memory, of the state of being that you are currently in.
And now before you, you see yourself. And you see yourself in its most difficult form. You see yourself as you behaved in quite derogatory ways, quite angry ways. You see yourself before you, in a form that is not your best.
Yes. It takes a bit of courage, but seeing it is safe, as this is an exercise. And all those instances that you have not liked, or do not like about yourself, make sure they are there. And so now there is a duality, there are two parts of yourself.
There is the beautiful, fully balanced, highly aware aspect of yourself. And then there is that part of yourself that is not. You can even use the word evil, if you want. Everybody has both traits that have existed either in the present or the past.
There are the two of you. And now the two of you walk together and you look eye to eye. And then you hug. It works! Hug!
And then each of you dissolves into one. A merger as one.
And now once again, do that anchor, whatever it is, to re-establish graceful peace, the light of wisdom and the love of knowledge. It is a beautiful state of being.
And once again, the two of you separate. And before you stands, what was there before. But what was there before is different now.
Accept that. It is lighter. It is more graceful. It is wiser, more loving. It is light. And allow yourself to be happy about what you have accomplished.
Congratulate yourself on what you have accomplished. Pat yourself on the back, for what you have accomplished.
So you have created a mechanism for helping the world's divisions to come together. And in the process you have understood yourself to a far greater extent, along with an ability to get along with everyone.