Meet the Angel Temier

Through Merged Medium Sam Holland

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Temier’s Master Class on Healing
a 7 book set.

About The Healing Class

This series of classes presents healing techniques used throughout all time. However, the techniques are brought forward into our current time frame in an exceptionally productive and helpful way.
The classes are profound and are aimed at those that are on a strong spiritual path. This class would be important if you want to make a difference either in your self-healing or the healing of others. It is helpful for any skill level. Taught and guided by the Seraph Temier and other master teachers which will drop in as needed:

Oric, a Lemurian
Ah-Co-La, an Atlantean
Whispering Woman, an ancient Native American.

The 7 books are about:

Topics covered will be:

  • Effective interaction.
  • Illness and being 'off path.'
  • Timing.
  • Elevation of awareness.
  • Healing with the dome.
  • Healing with the cocoon.

$35. for the entire set of 7 booklets or $15.00 for the ePub version.
The price includes shipping anywhere in the world.
The 7 book set includes a box.
If you select the ePub book, and after PayPal verifies you payment, be sure to click on the button that takes you back to the merchant to get the ePub download.

The books are available either as a 7 book set or as an ePub. Just click on the proper button. If you select the ePub book, and after paying is complete, be sure to click on the PayPal button that takes you back to the merchant to get the ePub download
Healing 7 Book Set
ePub Healing book